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Str - 2, Dex - 1
Alignment: Neutral to chaotic

Beasts differ from their corrupt and diseased cousins, the Shifters, in many ways. Firstly, they are animals. They are born a beast and stay a beast, never changing form unless. Their social natures are also a wide range of possibilities from staying in large clans to being solitary. They are a colorful variety of half man half creature, bulls, birds, cats and then some.


They wouldn't be able to learn magic, they only speak animal.

Quick facts:

  • Vary in size and species

  • Lifespans vary between species from short lives into their 20's into longevity of around 200

  • Often retaining very animal like qualities in behavior along with looks

  • Incredible sense of smell, sight and vision for most but susceptible to being overwhelmed


Variations to name a few:

  • Khajiit

  • Minotaur

  • Ratkin

  • Harpy

  • Naga/Lamia

  • Manticore

  • Gryphon

  • Foxfolk/kitsune

  • Wolven

  • Gargoyle

  • Gorgon

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