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Dex - 1, Wis 2
Suggested Alignment: Neutral

The insectoids are a race of medium sized insect beasts with unstable genetic structure. Based on the conditions of their environment, and their own wishes, certain parts of their genome become unlocked. As such, no insectoids look anything like another. However, in most cases, the insectoid has a multi segmented body, with 4 legs, 2 arms, and 2 antennae. Their body is composed of a head, a thorax where their limbs are, and an abdomen. They can have up to four eyes or even compound eyes. Some have wings and others have snapping jaws. They have a tendency to walk on their four legs but are occasionally seen walking on all six legs often.

Quick Facts:

  • Insectoids do not live long. Larvae turn to pupae around 2 years old. Upon hatching to a full-grown insectoid, they are mature, usually around 3. Insectoids never live older than 50 years.

  • Insectoids, due to their insect minds, are almost always lawful. Their morality can vary, however.


  • Ant

  • Bee

  • Cockroach

  • Mantis

  • Grasshopper

  • etc

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