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Dex - 2, Con - 1
Suggested Alignment: Neutral

Goblins are small, squat creatures about 3 to 4 feet tall with pointed ears and equally pointy teeth. They have jet black hair and sometimes vary through deep brown and occasionally a deep grey or silver and skin that varies from hues of orange to hues of green. They have beady black eyes and flat faces. Besides that, goblins are very numerous and varied creatures almost more than humans. 

Goblin history is rich with folklore and tall tales, ranging from hobgoblin invasions of old to the story of a young goblin once rode a chicken into an orc camp. However, it is also riddled with tales of subjugation and powerlessness as, due to their small size, they are frequently bullied into the service of other malevolent creatures. This history of groveling makes goblins dream of gaining power and strength of their own, which sometimes draws them to adventure. 

Goblins live in loose clans ruled by a leader they refer to as a Mob Boss. Evil goblin societies frequently war against their neighbors, if not attempt to annoy them. More peaceable goblins, who are fewer and far between, prefer to play practical jokes on neighbors, which sometimes can be just as bad as if they had declared war. 

Quick Facts:


  • Goblins mature faster than other races considered fully grown at the age of 3. Unfortunately, goblins are also a very short-lived race. 40 years old is considered an elder.

  • Goblins are short, usually 3 to 4 feet and weigh about 50 pounds. 

  • Goblins alignment tends to differ by subrace, however, it is very unlikely a goblin, regardless of subrace, will ever be lawful.

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