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Str - 1, Con - 2
Suggested Alignment: Lawful

These small but interesting creatures pack a punch wherever it is they end up. Dwarves are known for their combative ability and readiness for such, thriving in clans and not quick to trust those from the outside of said clans. They are makers of beautiful arts, crafting and engraving everything with their artistry while they build their cities and kingdoms of stone. From living underground they are prone to adapting to the dark, seeing well in it. An honor bound creature through and through.

Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old, so the oldest living dwarves often remember a very different world. Dwarves are solid and enduring like the mountains they love, weathering the passage of centuries with stoic endurance and little change. They respect the traditions of their clans, tracing their ancestry back to the founding of their most ancient strongholds in the youth of the world, and don’t abandon those traditions lightly. 


Dwarves in other lands are typically artisans, especially weaponsmiths, armorers, and jewelers. Some become mercenaries or bodyguards, highly sought after for their courage and loyalty.

Quick facts

  • Never breaching 5 feet tall 

  • Dwarves live at or around 400 years give or take. They mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until they reach the age of 50.

  • Dwarves built and burly, ready for a fight

  • Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.


  • Dwarves

  • Deurgars

  • Hill Dwarf

  • Mountain Dwarf

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