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Alignment: Chaotic to neutral good
Dex - 2, Int - 1

These beings are full of mystery and enchantment, they do not sleep but meditate, they do not die naturally but return to the earth on their own will after a millennium. They come in varying shades and sizes but all bearing the exotic elongated features in their eyes, ears and noses, as well as their limbs, oftentimes being more lithe than muscular. They often live close knit, with many traditions and habits demonstrated through the years.
​Elven children are rare and well protected. Any female with a full or half elven child is usually well protected. An elf reaches young adulthood at age 100 at this time They will go on their first hunt and have a ball, welcoming them into society. This is also the time where most decide what occupation they choose to follow.

Elven marriages are very similar to handfastings and have very little difference. They honor the twelve gods and often the celebration of an elven marriage lasts days. When elves marry, it is very different from human marriage and there is a bond struck. The breaking of a bond through one dying or deciding to part ways can be severe. The heartbreak that comes from it is devastating to the point of some choosing to go to the golden or turn bitter and cold to future love. This is why marriage and bonding is taken seriously.


Elves are naturally immortal and do not age the way that humans do. They rarely get sick and are immune to most if not all illnesses. You will never see an elf with a common cold or flu unless it is magic induced. But elves can get wounds, be decapitated, or die in numerous ways. But should none of these happen, some choose to simply go into what is called "The golden." It is a place created by the twelve gods for those who wish to leave the mortal coil. Nothing further is known about the golden as it is a one way portal and such secrets are not meant for the living to know.


To go into The Golden - The ritual will begin with a last feast of the leaving elf's preference. The kingdom will enjoy all things that bring joy to that elf or those elves leaving for the golden. It is a celebration of life. When the celebration comes to a conclusion, then They will mount steeds and travel the kingdom one last time singing songs of old. When they arrive at the portal, they will be blessed and say their last goodbyes. When that has been done, they will walk through the portal, and into the golden.

Quick Facts:

  • Lifespan of about 1000 years

  • Maturity reached about 100 years.

  • Live in a variety of situations and environments

  • Often keepers and preservers of old knowledge as well as flora and fauna

  • Mostly immune to charm magic

  • Can see & hear long distances

  • Agile

  • Excellent trackers

  • Scholars and lovers of art

  • Not physically strong, not masters of large weaponry and prone to break bones

  • Vain

  • Hard to give trust


  • Drow

  • High Elves

  • Wood Elves

  • Avariel

  • Moon Elves

  • Lythari

  • Desert Elves

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