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Society of Lu'mina Prominence

Hierarchy of the city

King Fintan Ogma I

Queen Mother Ketsui

Prince Regent Amblynn*-*Prince Regent Keelan*-*Princess Caidence


Lu'mina Prominence Emblem.png
Lu'mina Prominence Emblem.png

Creatures you might find here:







Some dragons

Some Werebeasts

The city Colors

Reds and blues and gold

The City Crest

The phoenix

In the early days...

When those brave souls first came by wing and by sea, when the gods made the world new, the prominence that over looked the sea was soon scaled and tamed by all sorts of creatures. The dwarves that dug the mines to find the ores to make the tools, the humans that brought grit and sweat to build the city, the elves that brought refinery, knowledge. For a time this made the mountainous city that scraped the heavens divided but as regional dukes became solidified into a monarchy, that monarchy strove to build the city further. For a time, the city thrived and depended on hunters and trades men who brought food and wares by sea but this was not sustainable.

The untamed wilds of the Primoria Tangle was agreed on to be cut back and further turned into farm lands, the Clam Lands. The King of the Fae personally stomped down the boundary leaving deep hoof prints for the city to not cross into the forest anymore than they already were, the Empress of Hoshikyo proper sending aide to build the farms, creating rice paddies from what was low swamp land and from then forward all left in the care of Lu'mina. There were conflicts raged as deep below the mountain a house of Drow had also made their home, wars waged, treaties made and broken, debates over who laid claim to what amongst other chaos in the realm led to dark and trying times, the abyss leading marches on the city as well just added to the unrest while the city pushed and maintained, burning greatly like the firebird of their banner to succeed in the face of conflict and rise from the ash. But this would be tried even further....


In the recent days...

While the realm was tried, factions near warring with each other, even the gods unhappy with their creations and with each other.... One grew weary of this, angered even. The Moon, Oberon, in days leading up to his zenith month warned the realm that he would wipe clean the slate, that only one land will be untouched, Titan's Waste to the south, and that is where those faithful and those desiring to build again should escape to and be spared. The god only made this threat all the more real, using great celestial power to pluck a monolith from the heavens and hang it over the lands until it was time to put it to use.

Lu'mina listened, always looking to Oberon for balance and judgement, the city and all who would listen packed what they could and fled, evacuating to safety in the sands while the Moon pursued his quest to right the wrongs of mortal and god. The watchful god was patient, and in a weeks time from his warning he began his purging, sending the monolith into the city, crumbling what was once a tall and proud mountain. By some happenstance though, this heavenly mission would not be complete, halted while the god buried his tool in the belly of the flattened mountain, containing the spread of destruction and vanishing in an instance of second thoughts for terrible actions wrought.

With this cataclysm avoided by means kept veiled, the people started to migrate back home, rebuilding on the mound that was once home and soon making it home again. Through the winter months they pushed again, and soon their city stood proud once more, shorter but not defeated. Despite the cold and the snow, the city soon bloomed with green and life. Through these cold months it was announced as well that the city and their long time ally, the Quae'Mira consisting of Fae and Merfolk alike, would unite as one faction, under one flag. The long time King of the fae now king to the city under the Queen Mother, his mother, and her watchful eye....


Leading to today....

With the city reclaimed after a horrid fog chased out any and all who could flee, the city rebuilds and puts together the pieces of what happened while moving forward like the strong bird the city flies proudly on its flags.

Businesses in the faction:

Smithy - Needs Owner

Bakery - Owned by queen until someone determined is found

Candle maker - Needs owner

Butcher - Needs owner

The White Peacock Theatre - Anemoni Brighton (yrsafoxdottir)

Tailor - Needs Owner

Silver Cask Vineyard - Jamie Vakari-de Vhir (jamieandmyinnerwolf)

Stables - Needs Owner

Those Ready to Work...

As anyone can imagine, a city doesn't just run on it's own, it needs citizens helping and working to make it thrive. Below are roles you may approach the court to request to fill and help!

Racial Representatives and court members -  With the merging of another faction and wanting all to have their voice, this is something open to those who want to dedicate to keeping traditions and natures of certain races preserved in the city. Needed are Celestial, Dragon, Dwarven, Human and Elf representatives to serve on the council and make sure every voice is heard of the city's citizens. 

Agrinomes - Those prone to having a green thumb be it by racial reasons, magic or being naturally adept, this role is for you. The city prides its self on the greenery it hosts for both looks and food, it needs attendants to that in the city and out in the Calm Lands

Shop Owners and Workers - In the above mentioned shops, it takes more than just one person owning it to make it run. There is plenty of opportunity to be hired and show your skill while earning a days pay to live.

Castle Attendants - While the city needs to be maintained, those in the castle need help too. From cooking and cleaning and even a master of robes, head chef and royal scribe, the royal family needs help in such matters. Those who help are accommodated and compensated greatly while being given access to most things and places the general public can only dream of...

Ladies and Lords in Waiting - Those, typically of other noble houses, to serve the king and queen, to represent them in their stead, assist in their day to days and perform tasks requested by them including meeting and greeting citizens, helping come up with entertainment and festivals to liven up city life and then on.



Those Ready to Defend...

The city is always taking in and training men and women ready to fight and defend the place they call home. In an elite unit composed of those skilled or willing to learn hand to hand combat or the art of battle magic with an upper crust of highly skilled few spies and secret service to the crown and personal guards of the royal family and court. There is room to grow and climb in this army and those interested easily find through hearsay that the Captain or King himself are who to approach and pledge their sword to.

(Contact Llorana Or FintanOgma to arrange RP to join the city guard. Ranks and more information coming soon)

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